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Mobile Computing and Communications Review
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Reviewer Resources

MC2R maintains high technical quality, which derives from strong and active participation by researchers in the computing and networking community. Researchers at various stages in their research careers are encouraged to review MC2R submissions.

Reviewer Application
Review Form: To be used only when the reviewer does not have access to the EDAS web page for MC2R

General Questions To Ask
These questions, adapted from the article "How (and How Not) to Write a Good Systems Paper" by Roy Levin and David D. Redell (Proc., 9th SOSP, 1983), are not meant to be all-inclusive. They are provided as examples of questions that reviewers should consider when they evaluate manuscripts.
1. Original Ideas

Are the ideas in the paper new?
Can you state the new ideas concisely?
What exactly is the problem being solved?
Are the ideas significant enough to justify a paper?
Is the work described significantly different from existing work?
Are comparisons with previous work clear and explicit?
Does the work comprise a significant extension, validation or repudiation of earlier ideas?
2. Lessons
What have you learned from the work?
What should the reader learn from the paper?
How generally applicable are these lessons?
3. Context
What are the assumptions on which the work is based?
Are they realistic?
How sensitive is the work to perturbations of these assumptions?
If a formal model is presented, does it give new information and insights?
What were the (design or modeling) alternatives considered at various points, and why were the choices made the way they were?
4. Focus
Does the introductory material contain excess baggage not needed for the paper's main development?
Does the paper include just enough material from previously published works to enable the reader to follow the material?
5. Presentation
Are the ideas organized and presented in a clear and logical way?
Are terms defined before they are used?
Does the abstract communicate the important ideas of the paper?
Is the paper finished?
6. Writing Style
Is the writing clear and concise?
Are words spelled and used correctly?
Are the sentences complete and grammatically correct?
Are ambiguity, slang, etc. avoided?
The ACM Special Interest Group on Mobility of Systems, Users, Data and Computing A Publication of SIGMOBILE A Publication of SIGMOBILE