MobiCom 2020

21-25 Sep, London, United Kingdom

Call for Posters

Following the long tradition of poster presentations, ACM MobiCom 2020 solicits submissions for the Virtual Posters Program that feature early research work and preliminary results. The MobiCom 2020 Poster Session will provide an excellent opportunity for initial feedback on your early research results and give your ongoing projects early visibility. The presenters are strongly encouraged to include their poster submission in the ACM MobiCom Student Research Competition.

We invite submissions on a wide range of mobile computing and wireless networking research, including but not limited to:
  • Fundamental understanding of mobile computing and wireless networking
  • Applications of machine learning to mobile/wireless research
  • Backscatter communication and wireless power
  • Mobile edge computing and cloud computing for mobile services Embedded and energy-harvesting systems
  • Experimental platforms and infrastructures for wireless/mobile research
  • Implanted and wearable computing
  • Intersection between mobile/wireless research, cloud computing, and software-defined networking
  • Long-range/Low-power wide-area wireless networking
  • Low-latency networking
  • Machine-to-machine communications
  • Millimeter wave and terahertz communications
  • Mobile data science & analysis
  • Mobile health
  • Mobile web, video, virtual reality, and other applications
  • Next-generation 5G mobile networks
  • Novel applications of wireless signals
  • Robotic and drone-based networking
  • Security and privacy issues/solutions for mobile/wireless systems
  • Sensing with radio, light, sound, and acoustics
  • Ubiquitous computing and mobile human computer interaction
  • Visible light communications
  • Wireless localization and tracking
  • Experimental large-scale testbeds for mobile networks
  • Performance evaluation of mobile networks, protocols, and systems
Poster Submission instructions
The posters should be submitted via hotCRP:

The submission should be formatted as a paper or extended abstract, describing the research to be presented in the poster and should be submitted as a PDF file of at most 3 pages, including all figures and references. Paper text blocks must follow ACM guidelines: double-column US letter size of 8.5 x 11 inches with fonts no smaller than 10 point size. The extended abstract must include the authors' names, affiliations, and email addresses. Any submission should include also the following:
  • Whether you would like the submission to be considered for the Student Research Competition
  • If you would like your submission to be considered for the SRC, there is the additional need to indicate whether any of the student authors is an undergraduate student. Note that if any of the authors is a graduate student, then the submission will be considered under the graduate category
All poster submissions will be reviewed by the Posters committee. If your submission is selected for the Poster Session, you should follow the recommendations to prepare and produce your “virtual poster”. Once your poster is accepted, we will include the abstract of your poster on the conference website and publish it in the main proceedings and the ACM digital library.

Virtual Poster Session Instructions
We will organize a virtual poster session as part of the conference program. For each of the selected submissions for the poster session, we ask you to prepare the following:
  • A pre-recorded 1-minute presentation to be played during the poster session (part of the conference program); we will organize a live chat channel (e.g., using Slack), where the authors can receive questions and engage in discussions with the attendees.
  • A pre-recorded video of maximum 5 minutes explaining the poster at length, to be available offline on the conference webpage. This is mandatory for all poster, and specifically for those submissions entering in the SRC.
Important Dates:
Deadlines Dates
Poster Submission Deadline July 15th
Notification August 7th
Camera-ready August 14th
For further questions, please contact the Poster co-chairs:
Giovanni Pau (giovanni.pau _at_
Andra Lutu (andra.lutu _at_

Aaron Yi Ding TU Delft
Ana Aguiar University of Porto
Andres Garcia Saavedra NEC Labs Europe
Anna Maria Mandalari Imperial College London
Aravindh Raman Kings College London
Catia Prandi University of Bologna
Diego Perino Telefonica Research
Francesco Bronzino Nokia Bell Labs
Luca Cominardi ADLINK Technology
Marco Gramaglia Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Ozgu Alay University of Oslo/Simula
Qing Wang Delft University of Technology
Roberto Girau University of Cagliari
Shuban Jain ODU
Simone Ferlin Ericsson Sweden
Yuanchao Shu Microsoft