
Note: Because of high turnout rates, please note the following updates to book rooms for the conference and the location of the Conference Dinner.

Notice: Due to overwhelming response, MobiCom '99 is completely sold out, and we are unable to accomodate any more registration requests. Please contact ACM to order your copy of the Conference Proceedings. We appreciate your interest in MobiCom '99 and hope to see you next year in Boston.
Conference Dates
Tutorials: Aug. 15-16
Conference: Aug. 17-19
Workshops: Aug. 20

Advance Program Available Download a copy of MobiCom'99's Advance Program.

ooking forward, we face significant challenges in providing uncompromised connectivity and in making technology accessible to everyone. This year's conference provides a great forum and springboard to come together and address these challenges..."
- excerpt from the Welcome letter from the General Chair
Read more of the Welcome letter

Sponsored by ACM SIGMOBILE
Technically Co-sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society
In cooperation with ACM SIGCOMM, SIGOPS, SIGMETRICS, and SIGMOD; the USENIX Association; the IEICE; and the IEE